We are thrilled to announce the addition of Dr. Ryan Wong to our team. As a board-certified periodontist, Dr. Wong brings a wealth of knowledge, skill, and experience to our office. His commitment to patient education and high-quality periodontal care is unparalleled, and he has been recognized with numerous awards and publications for his work in the field.
At Westview Dental Care, we believe in the power of collaboration between patient and provider, and Dr. Wong’s ability to connect with patients through his energetic personality and fluency in four languages makes him the perfect addition to our team. His drive for excellence and passion for promoting healthy smiles will be a valuable asset to our patients.
When he’s not in the office, Dr. Wong enjoys dancing and traveling, and he remains involved with UCLA as a faculty member in the Section of Periodontics. With his well-rounded background, Dr. Wong is not only a skilled practitioner but also a valued member of the community.
We are confident that Dr. Wong’s expertise and commitment to patient-centered care will make a positive impact on the lives of our patients. We are excited to have him on board and look forward to introducing him to our Westview Dental Care family.
Welcome, Dr. Wong!